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Looking Back In Recent Times

Looking Back In Recent Times   In response to Jill Ball's request for Accentuate the Positive Geneameme 2021 an annual here is my attempt. 1. I got the most joy from: Researching Family History.  This has always been my passion, since I was set a task to make my family tree the first year in secondary school. I absolutely panicked, with a German father I was so concerned as I knew so little. On the other hand my mother's family wasn't so unknown.  My maternal grandmother came to my rescue with booklets that she had purchased on her visits to Tasmania, where her father was born. I hadn't realised that his father had been a convict. WoW!!! From that moment I was 'hooked'... This was way, way, way, before the Internet and even microfiche readers were available.. It was index cards, like what the libraries used for their book catalogues.  Modern 21st Century Tools at Launceston Library in May 2021 I remember the first time I went researching, finger